Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A New Year, A New Beginning - 2007!

So this is the time when we look back to see how the previous year has been and look forward toward what can possible be in store for us in the new year.

As for me, the year 2006 has been a very eventful year. There were many 'first times' (such as spending my birthday in the hospital..) and good as well as not-so-good experiences. Whether good or bad, they are all valuable experiences where lessons can be learned.

The most important lesson learnt was that in spite of everything, God is still in control. Things may not work out the way we want them to be.. but well, we can at least be assured that God has our best interest in mind. It's easier to accept that in words than in action, but well, I'm still learning. I'm just glad that He has provided me with a community that would help pull me up and give me a kick-in-the-butt whenever needed to.

Anyway, here are some pictures of the past one year.

Pictures of 2006...

Started the year off with a road-trip to Penang..

HELP CF Camp - HCC..

College CG Camp..

Ennie's convo.. (1st time attending a convo)

Sending Lukas off..

HELP CF Committee Retreat II - Melaka


EEFC Christmas Dinner - KCP

EFCM Youth Camp - LIFE Game - Sepang

Adios 2006!


Now we can all greet the new year with a BIG "HELLO!"

Happy New Year everyone! It's 2007!

Well, we won't know what 2007 will turn out to be. But one thing we can be sure is that we will not walk through it alone. God has promised us that He'll "never leave us, nor forsake us". He has provided us with family and friends to help carry us through as well. So even as we venture into the unknown, let us be assured that He is with us and that He is in charge.

Will end with this prayer by David McCasland, that I believe fits this very well..

O Lord God, who has called us, Your servants,

To ventures of which we cannot see the ending,

By paths as yet untrodden,

And through perils unknown,

Give us faith to go out with good courage,

Not knowing where we go

But only that Your hand is leading us

And Your love is supporting us. Amen.


And yes, before I end.. please do pray for my younger brother, Justin, who has just left for NS yesterday. He's in Pahang now.. he's never been so far from home alone. So yeah, please pray that he'll be able to make good friends at his camp. Hope it will be a good experience for him. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad that 2006 went pretty well for ya, despite some downs :] Happy New Year, Jammie! And great pics you have there. :]

Anonymous said...

heyyyy, your pic of the HELP CF Camp has a background pic of my ex-classmate! don't know if you know him.. Jacky Huang. or Huang Chiong Hui. from Miri too. glad to know he's joining CF too. great pics too btw.. :)