Sunday, July 02, 2006

Brand New Blog!

Goodness... haha..

Never ever did I think that I'd ever blog... how unexpected - that I would eventually be influenced by younger friends to start one... thus the existance of a Xanga account...

Never ever did I think that I'd ever succumb to creating another blogging account... not so unexpected - that I would actually end up with a Blogspot account... haha!

Well, I'm not sure if this (the creation of a new blog) would actually encourage me to blog more often though. But I have to admit... Blogspot does have more features compared to Xanga.

Who knows.. maybe (because of the extra features) I would eventually end up blogging more than I used to... or NOT.. haha!

1 comment:

JTan said...

Hhmmm.. I just started this wan leh...

Let me enjoy blogspot first lah.. haha!